Friday, December 12, 2008

Thoughts Over Laundry


Why are we here?

What, given our infinitesimal existence among the greater order of the universe, could our purpose in life possibly be?

And what gives the universe meaning in the first place?

What is meaning?

Is it a word, assigned by the English language to convey an idea of importance, while importance itself is merely a word used to convey an idea?

Of what meaning is the English language, or communication in general, and what makes our communication special?

Does our communication have more meaning than the communication of pigs because of its intricacy?

Because of the thoughts behind it?

What are thoughts?

What is this question I am asking you right now and why should it matter?

Why should anything matter?

Are human beings meaningful because they were given the ability to reason?

To feel complex emotions?

What happens if reason is a mirage, if emotions are illusions, merely societal conventions used to distract ourselves from the absurdity of life?

Because if reason is all we have, can we definitively rationalize the reasoning behind rationale?

And what do we become when that reason betrays us?

Or is it our faith that makes us different?

But what is faith but an enemy of reason, fighting a fruitless battle that can never be won?

If we have faith in the existence of a higher power, should that extend to the faith that a higher power somehow intrinsically has meaning?

For what is God but the higher form of man?

If man has no meaning, what value then would God have?

If man’s meaning is God, then what is God’s meaning?

Does God have a God, and if so does God’s God have a God?

Why do we care about what we care about?

Do starving children in Africa matter if human life is irrelevant?

Or does that make you feel bad?

Is the goal of life to pursue the most pleasing emotions, the most fulfilling reasoning, and that ever elusive yet oh-so satisfying state of happiness?

How often is the thing that makes you feel the most pleasure or the most pain at one given moment in your life completely irrelevant the next?

That raise at work?

That shouting match with your parents?

Your so-called soul mate?

What is inherently meaningful about any of it?

And if it is all meaningless…If life is meaningless…What is the point of this tireless existence we force ourselves to push through, and why must we do it with a smile?

Why are we here?


Because this is all we have.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's deep, man. Thanks for making my day!