Thursday, August 7, 2008

What if God Was One of Us?

Hoping to escape the heat, I head to a local theater to catch a matinée showing of Jumper. When I get back to my van, I find that someone has graffitied one of the windows with blue paint.

This is disappointing, not because I haven't anticipated graffiti (having people sign my van like it is a broken arm practically invites defacing), but because said graffiti lacked any imagination.

"See you later," it calls out in sloppy thick blue chunks.

No jokes?

No threats?

Not even a curse word?

How insulting.

Shaking my head, I do my best to wipe off the graffiti and am pleasantly surprised by how easy it is to erase. As I finish wiping it off, I am approached by a young couple and their four-year-old son.

"Hey, what's this project all about?" the man asks. (I say "man," but he can't be a day over twenty.

"I'm traveling across the country in this van, searching for the meaning of life."

He looks at me skeptically as he starts to roll a joint.

"I search for the meaning of life every day. I just don't need a van to do it."


"Do you smoke?" he asks.

I shake my head no, thinking that if I ever were to start, it would probably not be in a parking lot and would definitely not be in front of a four-year-old.

"If I were doing what you are doing, I would smoke A LOT." He laughs.

So what is the meaning of life?

"Go to It talks about how Jesus preaches reincarnation."

I refuse to nod, not only because it doesn't make sense, but also because the man saying it is not a gigantic cop.

Although I must say, if everyone went around thinking about Jesus being reincarnated, I suggest we would have a much nicer world.

Guy cuts you off in traffic? Smile and wave. He could be Jesus.

Mosquito bites you? Thank it and gently send it on its way. Could be Jesus.

Telemarketer calls? Tell him to quit bothering you and hang up. Jesus would never be a telemarketer.

P.S. I went to that website. It hurt my head. Let me know if you think it's something I should give another try.

1 comment:

Matt Zielinski said...

This seems to be one of the problems in this country today. Now, Logan, I'm no fan of religion, and I think you know that about me. But like with almost everything else Americans are, they are lazy these days when it comes to religion.

A recent survey (I can't remember where I read it or the specific numbers) said that a very large percentage of Americans would consider themselves religions, but a shockingly large number of them disagree with dogma that their religion preaches.

So they want to believe in a higher power, but they don't want the inconvenience of subscribing to a particular theory.

I guess what I'm getting at is that the contradictions, at least to me, prove the fallibility of all religion and that's one of the reasons I'm an atheist. This pan-theistic reconciliation is just childish in my opinion, simply a way of people getting to believe what they want, creating their own religion as they go.

And trying to bring the different religions together (which this website stupidly attempts to do) is never going to work because there are always going to be die hards and fanatics and fundamentalists.

Also he shouldn't be 20 years old with a 4 year old son, and definitely shouldn't be smoking anything in front of him.