Sunday, August 3, 2008


Capitalism in America has gotten a little out of control.

Now don't get me wrong. I see the virtue in life, liberty, and the pursuit of the American dream. I understand the important role capitalism has played in that dream. I was only eight when the Cold War ended, but rest assured I was sufficiently upset with the Communists for challenging our way of life and would have gladly hopped under the nearest desk for a nuclear drill had the opportunity ever presented itself.

But capitalism in America has gotten a little out of control.

I found myself in a McDonald's the other day (I'm not proud of it, but it happened) ordering a couple items from the dollar menu. Anticipating thirst, I asked for a cup of water to go with my purchase.

"That'll be an extra twenty seven cents," the clerk said matter-of-factly.

Really? For tap water? Is McDonald's experiencing a gigantic financial loss that can only be recouped by bleeding the consumer for every possible cent at the expense of common decency?

But I was pretty thirsty.

"Fine. But I hope you know I just died a little inside."

She didn't seem to care.

When my order came up, I spotted the cup I just paid for, but just barely, and only because I have excellent eyesight. My twenty seven cents had bought me a Dixie cup with golden arches. Literally, a Dixie cup. I would guess it could hold maybe four ounces.

Of tap water.

I asked for my twenty seven cents back, scarfed down my meal, and proceeded to head to the adjoining gas station to pay the attendant one hundred dollars in exchange for a nearly full tank of gas.

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