Monday, March 23, 2009

What's the Unemployment Rate For Guys Living in Their Vans?

So you know that job I got recently? (If not, scroll down the page.) I quit that already.

Rest assured, I had very good reasons. The good news for you is that said job was ripe with stories and observations to write about. Also, if I don't get a new job soon, I'll run out of money and have to do the whole homeless thing again.

So all of you Hobo Diet fans out there, get ready for a possible sequel.

In the meantime, you can expect to read plenty of unusual and quirky happenings on this blog in the coming weeks, including but not limited to:

+ Thoughts that go through your head when you're about to be sliced in half.

+ The U.S. Post Office's epic fight against incompetent terrorism.

+ Public transit through the eyes of Ayn Rand.

+ How to completely freak out a religious fundamentalist at Fry's Electronics.

and, of course

+ Awkwardly timed bovine defecation.

You can't read about this stuff in The New York Times, people.

Although, after careful thought, I do consider The New York Post direct competition.

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